Cleaning of grease traps

Konyhai zsírfogó tisztítás

A grease trap is a device that settles heavier particulate contaminants to the bottom of the container during phase separation, while lighter oils and fats remain on the surface.

Therefore, where particularly high fat content wastewater is generated (e.g. restaurants, catering establishments), the installation of a grease trap or grease separator is mandatory. This separates most of the greasy sludge.

Regular cleaning of tanks and tank walls is a very important task, as this process prevents greasing and siltation of the sewer networks.

Therefore, cleaning is recommended at least every quarter, depending on the size of the tank!

Zsírfogó doboz Tiszta zsírfogó doboz

Leave the cleaning of your kitchen grease traps to us!

Over the years, we have become very experienced in cleaning grease traps and grease removal equipment.
Thanks to our highly trained staff and our excellent equipment, there is no problem we cannot solve.